It's your opinion that opinions are not welcome. I disagree. The movie only seemed to have.. 10 frames max?
considering there is only 1 word being said you could have put in more effort to make it smooth :-)
Keep it up!
It's your opinion that opinions are not welcome. I disagree. The movie only seemed to have.. 10 frames max?
considering there is only 1 word being said you could have put in more effort to make it smooth :-)
Keep it up!
It's... alright funny, but... is it an ad?
I originally used it as an ad in other places, like youtube.
I uploaded it here to see if I could get a few lols.
(Mainly inspired by Johnny Utah's Sony vs Capcom ads)
My next one is going to be purely for entertainment.
I really like this flash!
Hilarious and made me laugh. The music was ... fitting but a rather soft compared to the voices.
Keep it up! :)
Very nice flash, for a very nice movie. It is short, but it's well drawn.
could've used music from the movie, but certainly has great potential for other flashes. I enjoyed it alot, thank you!
You could try to use more frames for a start, make bullets, etc. Good luck :)
Damn it! I forgot bullets!
sooo true!!
i had this exact feeling @ fable 3 xD
Your summary sums it all
It truly was an EPIC cartoon, as you described - crazy fluid animation, very well done. The fight was precisely right, well done sir ;)
Fine animation
That was quite funny!
Although the laughter on the background was VERY disturbing.
-4 for that, I'd give it a nine without.
I'm always there. Watching you post. Watching the reply. Mocking your existence.
Secret Base #7
Joined on 4/2/06